Tuesday, December 7, 2010

A Surprising Discovery: Oriental Hornets Capture Energy from Sun

      Whose ever think that this little creature is very amazing, it names is Oriental Hornets (Vespa orientalis). Based on new research, it has developed their body in such away so it can absorb light from solar, capture it, and used it as their life energy.

Oriental Hornets (Vespa Orientalis). Click the image to enlarge.
      No one knows before it, why this creature is always being very active at the highest intensity bright of sun. Now the scientist find out the answer and write it on journal Naturwissenschaften

Saturday, July 31, 2010

Memory's Master Switch: Molecular Power Behind Memory Discovered

Illustration of molecular brains. 
Click image to enlarge.
ScienceDaily (July 29, 2010) — Neuroscientists have long wondered how individual connections between brain cells remain diverse and "fit" enough for storing new memories.

Reported in the science journal Neuron, a new study led by Dr. Inna Slutsky of the Sackler School of Medicine at Tel Aviv University describes what makes some memories stick.
The key is GABA (γ-Aminobutyric acid), a natural molecule that occurs in the brain, which could be the main factor in regulating how many new memories we can generate, the new study has found. The understanding of these mechanisms might lead to the development of new memory enhancers and new treatments for neurodegenerative diseases such as Alzheimer's.

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Think about documents, Think this!

Hi, this is my first post. I'm actually interested to share my experience when a get something new. A while ago, when I still looking a material subject for my final project. I found this website, I think maybe you are already to know this, but at that time I think this is really-really something new and this is great idea. It's cool and original. The website is www.docstoc.com. Yeah, that is. It's early developed with actionscript 3.0, which is at that time just recently developed and introduced by Adobe.Inc.